
This is a 2 part workshop with one teaching and one discussion.

This lecture will discuss ways that relationships can expand and secure themselves..
Humans are so very distracted away from their relationships. Julius will assist you in creating priorities that not only assist you in relationships with another but also relationship with self.
Julius gives extensive information on what makes or breaks a beautiful expansive relationship with your partner:
  • A very important question to ask yourself right at the outset
  • Change and allowing in a relationship
  • Partners and your spiritual journey
  • 6 major pillars of a beautiful expansive relationship with your partner
  • Some more vital questions and considerations for this relationship

The Q&A takes this topic further into interesting directions:

  • Major indicators of the relationship improving or what to build on at the start of a relationship
  • Why relationships are the way they are today
  • What it takes to have a deep connection
  • Speaking up or doing inner work when you’re hurt?
  • The difference between being alone and feeling lonely
  • Guidance for those on a conscious journey but the spouse is not

Foundation Workshops: