“Don’t Be A Crybaby…”

Growing up, you were handed a baseball bat and told it was unmanly to cry or be in touch with your emotions.

Along with your ballerina shoes, you were told “emotional” girls were not going to be liked by the crowd or loved by the special someone.

Stomp on it, sit on them but don’t ever express it or them. Emotions were just such a ‘no-no’.

Are You Paying Attention?

Paul* had had what others might term a rough childhood – abusive father, no mother and no roots anywhere. He coped by shutting down his emotions. As he went through life, he wanted all the things that he saw others having – a family, a home, friends – but he had no clue how to get them. Yet he knew he was missing something. Others in similar situations had moved on, why couldn’t he? Till he literally heard a voice in his head say, “Pay attention to your emotions.” Relating this story still gives him goose bumps today because it was the start of an extraordinary journey into the world of emotions and their infinite power to transform life.

“The soul is the emotional processor of thought.” ~ Julius

Energy in Motion: That’s What is Real

To suppress or cut off from your emotions is to become detached from your soul. In the manifestation process, emotions are the rocket fuel for propelling thoughts into materialization. They are energy in motion – e-motion. It is true that there are emotions of the altered ego and there are the emotions of the soul. One creates the chaos of limitations in life and the other the totally fulfilling chaos of possibilities in every situation, every place, every person.

In all the illusions we exist – illusion of this physical plane, this body, time, distance, what is real is our emotions. They are what keep memories and thoughts alive in us.

The emotions of the soul not only take manifestation to crazy heights, they are what make every moment special, every venture an adventure, all work play and every relationship extraordinary. They are the I Ching of this existence on earth.

Dive Deep into that Pool

Wow! That’s amazing stuff about emotions, yet we rarely seek out their innumerable forms or fractals. We don’t know how.

The ground-breaking teaching on the Pool of Emotions by Julius, takes our understanding of this vital reality-creating essence of ourselves into unexplored territory. Just as there is a pool of thought, there is a pool of emotion. One of the most exciting things we could do for ourselves is dive deep into that pool and enjoy physical life from a totally different, elevated level of knowledge and emotions.

Pool Of Emotion | Expand with Julius and Xpnsion Network
Feelings Vs Emotions: The Misunderstood Element In Manifestation | Expand with Julius and Xpnsion Network