
This is a two part class with one teaching and one discussion.

This course is designed to align your authentic blueprint self with the physical experience.
By working the energy of the NOW you can choose and become whoever you design for yourself continually.
We can create constant new aspects of who we are each moment without creating Chaos, but instead be continually providing fresh energies for our experiences.  Awareness is Key and Julius will assist all of us in becoming aware of who we are, and holding the state of knowing longer.
This focus can change our realities as we have known it.

In the first module, Julius gives us important insights into major facets of our lives:

– What we are doing here on the physical plane
– How life plays out from the human being perception
– What your limitations indicate
– Why we have a hard time getting to our unlimitedness
– Defining the moment of Now
– The huge lag and drag in manifestation
– Why science is so appealing to human beings
– The most powerful way to complete healing
– Why human beings do not accept the magnificence of the Now
– Another aspect of manifesting more expansively
– What this guidance does for you and your life
– A vital question to ask yourself to show you the way
– How to get over the fear of the unknown

More hugely relevant information in this amazing Q&A:

– The play of different factors in chronic illnesses
– Making manifestation more powerful
– What is the soul?
– Phenomenal guidance on the mind and the astral mind
– Fascinating information on traversing dimensions
– How does time and effort play out in the Now?
– Feeding your creativity from the pool of thought
– Guidance into mantras and chanting
– More on gateways and portals accessible to each of us and the moment of Now
– An amazing practice for brain activation
– An excellent manifestation practice
– The difference between intuitive hits and judgment
– Explaining the light languages experience
– What to do when others distract you from the moment of Now

Supporting Workshops:

Foundation Workshops:

These courses sit at the foundation of most of all the Julius teachings and also the human experience of life.

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